It's very difficult in defining a top 10 list for any category of film. There are so many genres and types of movies released that it's a daunting task for any professional or amateur critic. This year was full of great supporting roles for both male and female, and I could probably list 10 more reasonably - but I'm not.
The women comprising the Supporing Actress category are just that - supporting characters, despite what any award show says. Three movies cultivated such great performances that they have two actresses appearing in the list. Debra Winger and Rosemarie DeWitt shine like a dirty gem in "Rachel Getting Married," both giving realistic performances, particularly DeWitt who should be nominated for an Oscar as Rachel. In "
Doubt," Amy Adams impeccably plays Sister James - a role only fate could allow her to have - and Viola Davis stands out in her single, yet moving, scene. And in "The Wrestler," Mickey Rourke's two supporting women, Evan Rachel Wood and Marisa Tomei, aid his journey with eloquent, raw performances.

The four women of the list certainly stood out in their particular films. Taraji P. Henson captivated the character of Queen so perfectly - she was hilarious, heart-felt, and effective in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." In "Vicky Cristina Barcelona," Penelope Cruz surfaces as a woman who can act her heart out. Her fiery vixen of an ex-wife was both enter
taining and frightening. Freida Pinto captured the purity, beauty, and romance that was "Slumdog Millionaire." I'd put her on the list for that slow motion shot of her by the trains, smiling. Such a great, simple performance by a beautiful unknown. Finally, Misty Upham drove Melissa Leo's lead character into forbidden dangers in "Frozen River." She gave an incredible performance that was both dynamic and effortless.

Here is the list of the Top 10 Performances by a Supporting Actress:
10. Debra Winger as Abby in RACHEL GETTING MARRIED
9. Freida Pinto as Lakita in SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE
8. Evan Rachel Wood as Stephanie Robinson in THE WRESTLER
7. Misty Upham as Lila in FROZEN RIVER
6. Taraji P. Henson as Queenie in THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON
4. Marisa Tomei as Cassidy in THE WRESTLER
3. Rosemarie DeWitt as Rachel in RACHEL GETTING MARRIED
2. Amy Adams as Sister James in DOUBT
1. Penelope Cruz as Maria Elena in VICKY CRISTINA BARCELONA
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