Starring Nicholas Cage, Justin Bartha, Helen Kruger, Jon Voight, Helen Mirren, and Ed Harris
The first "National Treasure" didn't really woo, but it was exciting and entertaining to say the least. The villain was well developed and determined. The protagonist (Cage) was equally developed and determined. The love interest held our attention. However, all of these descent qualities went down the drain for "Book of Secrets."
Primarily, the excitement factor was on an all-time low. Cage, Bartha and Kruger's characters were dull, too intelligent, and hardly made mistakes. We knew, of course, that their goal would be accomplished the minute they "sang" the "I Want Song." Sure, there were many different locales all around the world, but it seemed forced and unattached.
Ed Harris is great. Yet, his role as the prime villain in "Book of Secrets" was his worst choice as an actor ever. This villain was a villain for maybe about 30 minutes of the film. Then he gained the Bugs Bunny "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" philosophy, only because Cage and his gang of nerds are way too smart for Harris' role. The last half hour or so was pointless. The writers tried to inflict terror in Harris' character by giving him a knife or setting him in power situations, but he was weak. The worst villain.
One aspect of the first "National Treasure" that was enjoyable was the beginning relationship between Cage and Kruger. It was childish and PG-rated, but was still
a love connection. Beginning "Book of Secrets" with them separated could have been a wise choice, but it was inevitably predictable, and quite pointless. Oh, and what about Voight and Mirren? The best part of the film with their separated for years and rekindling their love, but not enough screen time! And, North Dakota?! And, how did everyone have just enough water bottles?! I digress.

If you want to see the blockbuster of December, go see "National Treasure: Book of Secrets," but you will be rewarded with a whole lot of pointlessness.
Grade: D+
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